: Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:45 pm
Prince of Denmark wrote:
That was my general feeling at the time as I recall. He seemed to go at the right time without outstaying his welcome, but without a clamouring for him to change his mind.
I think I recall believing that he had gone on at least one season too long, the exceptions are always there but in most sports there is a "shelf life" to coaches abilities to affect constent performance change..............having him back as a coach could prove fruitful for a short period of time, if, and it's a big if, he had a reliable understudy to bring through within one or two seasons. I still think TR had valuable contacts which we are now seeing the benefit of having at that time [sop to Old Fulham, even if we could not get Queensland contacts
However it's all pipe dreams and speculations, the key point is that we either have a new coach in place for the start of next season, or, we have a pretty much revamped squad with all being an improvement on the current incumbents, otherwise nothing much will alter from this season..........a few good wins, a few upsets, and a string of poor performances.