: Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:02 pm
stormingbronco wrote:
......Who spplied the Cas programme editor/printers with the pix? If it was someone from QRL they need 'sorting'.......any
If it was a file sent from Quins....then someone needs to be fired. I will stand up for those who give everything under very undermanned conditions, but this is just basic stupidity.
I am sick and tired of the "naffness" of the back office set up. There has been no movement on the marketing front for over 2 years now and if it weren't for Alison pestering the club for posters, volunteers for flyering the Union games and the RFL for basically bank-rolling any marketing for the Manly game, we would be looking at 1,000 max against Manly.
PROFESSIONAL rugby league my @rse