: Sat May 02, 2009 10:02 pm
It's quite a book, that one. I remember reading it and being staggered by the scale of anti-RL dogma peddled by the RU establishment to the extent where anyone even attending an RL game could be banned sine die from Onion! Hinchliffe and the committee that he worked on worked hard to get the act passed which outlawed the discrimination.
It's interesting to note that, in the thirteen years since it went onto the statute book, RU has never apologised officially for its disgraceful behaviour over one hundred years, let alone set about restoring the assets that it was given (I'm referring to the Vichy collaborationist government which killed French RL in cahoots with the French RU). It's also ironic to note that most Onion supporters are not even aware of their code's dark past.