I slept on this intentionally but still believe a massive line has potentially been crossed. Please report this to the club Orangeman, with supporting evidence.
This presumably is the person leading Broncos outreach to the local community - probably including schools and youth groups. If this - if it was him, or any future incidents, blow up at some point it could seriously embarrass the club. Such organisations don't much care for cyber bullying, which has been cited in coroner's reports as contributing towards suicides etc.
He has the right to defend himself. If he can prove this wasn't him, good. The club should confirm this, clear his name and let him get on with outreach with no risk of this blowing up. If it was him, this surely breaches club policies so it's likely to become a disciplinary.issue. If it wasn't the club official then it sounds like someone has gone to great lengths to smear him, if found they should have the book thrown at them.