ExiledFromHull wrote:
No Listy - just got sick of talking to you. Hence the lack of responses to your posts. Im breaking a pact with myself on this one. Simply because i wanted to use the forum as a place of discussion, as opposed to your tactic of using it to antagonise people.
Life too short, better things to do, yadda yadda.
End result - you just wont be acknowledged by myself. Im sure your just as happy with that outcome as me.
I dont think your posts offer anything useful to the discussion.
You dont think mine offer anything useful.
So rather than just carry on - just let each others postings slide without response.
That way, me, you, and everyone else is happy!
Brilliant. I post about how this is a good deal, you accuse me of all sorts, can't back it up, and then say that you aren't talking to me anymore. Awww
You think that your attack on me for no reason whatsoever and unfounded accusations added anything to the discussion?
You failure is noted.