wire-quin wrote:
From someone who has spent his RL Fans 'career' openly and aggressively lambasting a successful multimillionaire businessman and trying to expose his shortcomings in managing a RL business, I will take this as a deflection tactic from being exposed as hopelessly (embarrassingly) naive in his proposed question set to be presented to the CEO and commercial mgr of the club in an open forum (whilst historically playing out the big corporate (im always correct, one fits all mindset) marketing guru).
I think we all now know your level. (and more latterly tactical sensitivities)
I've never had to try hard to Hughes shortcomings...he freely admitted to them himself in print.
As for me personally. I've walked the walk here with a professional sports outfit, increasing gates and sponsorship. I've completed a degree and a masters in Marketing and my main source of income delivered in excess 13,000,000 direct messages for the government across the nation in the last 3 months. I've never said one size fits all, but what I have done is repeatedly stress that doing something is at least usually better than doing nothing......the ability of the club to be th exception to that rule is sometimes worrying, with episodes such as oyster card holders in the east, but in the main, they don't even try.
As for your repeated attacks on me, I ask again why? If I'm wrong, tell me so, but to call me naive because you think a question is awkward or won't be answered is crass. Asking fluffy questions about why an email isn't sent a regularly as you'd like is pointless. The choir has quit and preaching to the handful left isn't the solution. That's my view, but if you think it's wrong, then debate it and leave the personal stuff alone.
I believe that the current management team at the club makes Gus makay look like a polished pro.....happy for you to explain how this isn't the case if you disagree. Let's see if "your level" is up to it.