As a bulls fan, before the play offs, if they would have said we were facing the heat in the conference finals, I would have said bring it on. I think we beat them 3/3 in the regular season, but since the play offs, heat have all of a sudden turned it on big time, and we've kinda just pulled through to beat pacers and hawks. I dont know if it will be enough. D Rose is dragging us through these play offs, and with the exception of Boozer in the last few hawks games, any other points are coming from Rose.
He's the man to do it. But then Miami have 2/3 men to do it for them. We need to turn up. Hopefully a Bulls-Mavs final!
oh and how good is the grizzlies-thunder series. 3-3 going into the 7th game! best series of the play offs so far!