Wednesday Entries
Mini Rouge For Wed, AC Milan to beat Marseille at 10/11
Catalancs Hull v Everton draw - 23/10
espanyolswan Goldies Destiny (Tr 6) 9.09 Romford
DEANO H Man Utd v Besiktas. More than 2.5 goals @ 3/4
Sam Buca Feelin Foxy in the 6.50 at Kempton
Loop Porto Draw 9/4
Mini Rouge For Wed, AC Milan to beat Marseille at 10/11
Catalancs Hull v Everton draw - 23/10
espanyolswan Goldies Destiny (Tr 6) 9.09 Romford
DEANO H Man Utd v Besiktas. More than 2.5 goals @ 3/4
Sam Buca Feelin Foxy in the 6.50 at Kempton
Loop Porto Draw 9/4