Slightly concerned about the title change on SD. They booked Swagger as a bit of a joke on Raw in the same week in that he couldn't pin Cena even after several briefcase shots. So to have him turn up on SD and pin their champion, imo, devalues both the World title AND Jericho as it makes him look weak. I'm assuming he's picked up an injury and is having time off.
As for HBK bashing Flair, I don't think that's the case. I think HBK is disappointed that Flair didn't ride off into the sunset as planned, but he understands Flair's reasons for keeping going and there's very little to do with staying in the spot-light. It's more down to Flair's private life which includes, I believe, 4 ex wives to pay for plus a few other lawsuits that he's paying off.
HBK is one of a handful of wrestlers who is actually in a position to not NEED to wrestle. Stone Cold, Foley and Rock are the few I can think of off the top of my head.