: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:20 pm
Where to start-- Richard was one of TEDS old lads from the Cougar CUBS, a lovely lad and pretty useful on the field !!!.
Never understood Bradford pissing him about like they did they knew what they had and should have looked after him .
As it is , he went to London , bless him and them, and he put his mark in and played .
The lads had a lot of trauma in his life and hes a good un, Hes come round a lot and Wakefield have done the job with him and hes NOW second to none .
Id play with him and be glad of him with me.
Hope this bloody illness doesnt see him down , hes beaten worse in his life and will again.
He could alwayd come back to COUGARS if hes feeling a bit naff.
Anyway Richard all the best lad and crohns is a girlie illness my boy what are you up to ?.