I don't think we should get to carried away hating all things Yorkcourt. It's not that I don't think they are liars and crooks because they are.
However the only chance of a stadium now is if the development at NM as a whole becomes a success and the 70% occupancy (I believe) is hit and demand then exceeds it. If that were to take place then he Stadium would stand a good chance of happening. Not because Yorkcourt are a good company but because it will become advantageous to them.
Although you have to say it through gritted teeth you actually have to want this development to be a huge success which clearly it isn't at the moment.
I stand to be corrected but as far as I understand it the stadium at NM will happen should the development reach it's targets, nobody is suggesting otherwise?. The problem is and always has been that this might not happen for years maybe decades which is where the problem is for us and why we have been looking for alternatives recently.
Like to make one point and it's this. I have to ask why if the club had the ability did they actually take the alleged advice not to buy BV last year. I here conflicting stories but why would a man with the obvious nous of MC listen to what anybody else had to say especially Walker and Yorkcourt. Am I missing something here because I just don't get the logic in any sense. Buying BV was never even a risk at the very worse MC and the club would not lose money or very little on it no matter what and we'd always have the option to use it or sell it.
Now as far as I can tell NM is the only option as BV lost as far as I can tell and I just don't get why as I wouldn't even have taken the word of the Pope on this one let alone RW, WMDC and Yorkcourt. I'd have snapped it up and even paid over the odds - very strange.