Quote dboy="dboy"Not sure you have this one thought out correctly.
Why would you assume the promotor takes F&B?
Promotor will be tickets and merch and will pay for security.
Fee to Saints to cover utilities and rent (as owners - unlike a Hudds or a Wigan for example), + they will take F&B.
A good earner.'"
It is a good earner for Saints, but I have a good idea how these things work and they won’t take the F&B.
Bands like the Who are a machine, when they move in they take over and I mean take over. It’s not just roadies these days, it’s security, facility management, all concessions etc etc, nothing is left to chance.
The Stones have their own company that has trucks that brings food and drink to the venues and buses that bring their own staff, even cleaners. They used to bring in their own cash machines at one time! The Who may not go that far but they will have companies they use exclusively for everything.
So Saints get a flat fee and to me that’s good business, why attempt to handle an event outside of your normal remit when you can take the money and let others take the strain.
You probably know as well as anyone, it’s as easy to lose money as make it in the entertainment industry, it’s full of sharks. Doing it the way I’m suggesting and Saints might make a bit less but there will be zero risk. It’s certainly what I’d do if RL was my business and Rock concerts weren’t. I’m not being negative just realistic.
However what I was really trying to point out was that there is no future hook up with the Who. No legacy that will see their fans come back to the TWS to watch Saints. They may never play there again, but then at their age….To me it’s just a lucrative sideline and nothing more.
My only surprise is that the Who are now playing in such a relatively small arena. Tours are all about economy of scale and I wouldn’t have thought there was the return. Though it is over two nights I believe?
Maybe it’s just me and I read too much of the expansionist crap on Total RL. I just think RL fans read far to much into things at times and see everything as a new nirvana.