Quote PopTart="PopTart"I'm loving the thought of new income streams to the club with no dependency on the rugby side of it.
Can only help us long term.'"
1000%. As I say though it just needs a clear plan and the investment and set up being effective and efficient from the start.
Fail to plan then you plan to fail! The detail in review and potential to adapt is also important.
It has to be done correctly and it will yield great results as time progresses.
What I wouldn’t want to see is current club employees splitting their roles and part timing new responsibilities.
You need new people with the right skill set and experience with a professional demeanour.
The job description needs to be well built to incorporate the facility, business and events side of things.
What you could do it potentially re-structure parts of the business and change structure.
For example the groundsman/team would report to the new facilities and events manager.
The club shop and merchandising could come under the facilities and events department - there could be a marketing and sales officer role or incorporated duties. My minds racing with exciting thought for the club.
It’s really sad I find these things exciting, probably because I am involved in parts that link in.
The success may not be immediate but it could be huge.