The whole subjects a mine field and doesn't always receive the urgency it probably deserves . views and opinions are vary rarely changed and im not sure the culprits even understand the issues that have been put forward over the past 13 pages.
Thankfully the whole subject seems to be handled in schools much better these days and youths of today seem more tolerant about the race issues.
Attitudes have changed over the years but the whole process as taken longer than many would like. I had a very close friend who died not so long back and his views when expressed would curdle the air. He lived in South Africa for 16 years and I suppose he obtained his dated opinions from the views of many at that time.
Sometimes it difficult to know what you can or can not say without offence or how what you do say may be interpreted .
The reported incidents at B V last Saturday are regrettable and if proven must be acted upon. Like I said you are most unlikely to change the views of people . However the club manage to handle the investigation will probably be criticised by both supporters of such actions and those appalled .
Good Luck