TRB and I have had a few chats on the phone over the last couple of weeks and I making sure he knows everything I am finding out, much of which (to be fair) he often knows already. He knows his onions does TRB!
I am probably more useful to him and SWAG by not being officially involved at this time! TRB and SWAG has to be a little more cautious and circumspect, because while they are a fan-based pressure group dedicated to getting Wakefield a new home, they are of course in contact with (to a greater or lesser extent) the club, the council and the developer.
I am however an individual that lives close to the proposed development, is a Rhino's season ticket holder and therefore can't not be accused of just wanting this for, shall we say, emotional reasons and at all costs and as such, can say and do what I want!!!
I have offered to help and support where I can and am more than happy to do so. Finally, I also know if TRB and the SWAG guys need me, they will ask, but maybe not asking just yet or even at all, could be equally as good a tactic?