To me it seems the council have been complicit in the whole saga.
Yorkcourt want to build warehouses within green belt land.
WMDC put forward a way of using community facilities as a way of sweetening the planning process whilst behind closed doors conjure up a plan with the developer so that the said facilities will never be constructed.
WMDC grant planning and support the scheme through the PI.
WMDC approve the Newcold development on the back of the positive outcome of PI with the provision of community facilities being a major factor for that approval whilst ensuring it won't count towards the enabling development target.
When questioned, WMDC trot out the legal advice bull.
WMDC can't provide evidence of legal advice so threaten anyone who dares to dig deeper with further litigation.
WMDC wash their hands of the whole thing.
I've said it before, had it been a hospital or school the media and potentially the police would be all over this. As it's 'only a stadium for Wakefield Trinity' the wider general public don't give a poop.