carl_spackler wrote:
I wasn't having a pop, just trying to be helpful. And he was brought in for marketing, he was Commercial Director and then 'promoted' to Chief Exec.
IMO it's a blinkered view to say that the organisation has performed poorly over the last few years, it has only performed poorly in one aspect, and that aspect has not been Rule's to control. I can only think of one occasion where he has outright lied, and it is a big part of his job to put the bright side spin on all of the goings on at the club.
And unless you are/have been involved in running the club, your last statement is unfounded, prejudiced nonsense. We can't know that at all.
Judging by pearson's statement then I'd have said that the club has performed poorly in pretty much every area but profitability, which it hasn't done that well in considering the chronic underinvestment. Seems the reason we've been posting profits is because we've been penny pinching everywhere to the detriment of the club as a whole. If you think that's some kind of vindication of rule's capabilities then you have a different view on things than me