Armavinit wrote:
Thought that the water companies only put Flouride in the drinking water occasionally. Think they must have put a depressant in last week. We knew where we were at the beginning of the season regards cash flow and team building. Apart from the ludicrous head challenges and subsequent bans, nothings change so why all the angst and frustration. TS was brought in to radically change the way the team and club are run, he’s only into his second season. We’ve had an influx of 7? players, an unsettled pack and spine, 4 games into the season and posters are talking about “ if the club folded it wouldn’t bother them “ FFS get a grip. IAKOW
The only thing Smith has done whilst here is radicalise the meaning of on field dicipline.
Do we give him credit for being in charge of the worst diciplined team in S/L?
I was happy when Smith was announced as coach but he is taking the team backwards and nothing i have seen on the pitch shows any sign of structure,in both defence and attack.
putting a bit of effort into a game like at Catalan should be the norm not occasionally
Catalan bombed several tries and we scored two lucky tries so the scoreline actually flattered us.
Whether you like to hear it or not the club is in a deep hole.
Waiting and hoping that 2 or 3 of the younger players will be the saviour of the club is not going to happen.
The only thing that will save this club is money to add three of four quality players to the squad so we can build a team around them and blood younger players into a winning team.
Its quite obvious that Adam Pearson no longer has the finance to be able to do this and make Hull FC an attractive option for top players once again.
An early challence cup exit,and a bottom 3 three end of season finish is all we can look forward too under this regime.
The club is Pearsons only income and he has to decide whether to keep things ticking over as they are and hoping his luck will change, or sell the club or part of the club.
It cant be called an investment for anyone as there is no return and trying to sell a R/L club that has no value would be very difficult
Keep doing the lottery Adam