Marfa Manu wrote:
Clearly the same objective viewpoint as the top RL teams in this country.
How many twitter accounts do you read from coaches with similar comments, none I suspect because one of the Key attributes of a coach is professionalism, something Longy lacks.
What on Earth are you on about? What top RL teams have an opening for an assistant coach at the moment?
Long expects to learn his new trade over an extended period of time - up to 8 years according to comments on his twitter. Somewhere like Salford is an ideal first step and is no reflection whatsoever on what 'top RL teams' might or might not think about him. There's your lack of objectivity right there.
As for your second point - are you for real? For a start he doesn't post anything controversial on Twitter, and for seconds if you can't think why someone who is
already in a coaching job might be a little more careful about his public profile than a player then I don't know what to say. Basing your entire opinion of someone on a book about his past and his current Twitter feed seems somewhat less than sensible to me.