Cautiously optimistic seems to be the key phrase at the moment, and that's where I am too. So long as it's not about getting hands on the stadium, I think it'll be fine. I wouldn't be surprised if Pearson's looking at it as a way to have something of his own, without having to answer to others (ie the Allams). I got the impression from what was said when Bartlett sold up that it wasn't Pearson's preferred choice, but the only option left after not being able to get finance elsewhere. Maybe he doesn't like the way some things have gone since.
Also glad that Rule etc are staying on, it's a good sign of Pearson's intentions IMO. He's not rushing into anything and trying to seize control of everything straight away, he's willing to take a patient, measured approach which is completely sensible. I'm actually one of those who think Rule has done a good job anyway TBF.
Another thing I've increasingly found myself wondering as the day has gone on: Is this why Agar has had such a lengthy stay of execution? This will undoubtedly have been going on for a while, so was replacing him delayed because the change of ownership was coming? I know if I was buying a club I'd want a say in any change of coach that may be about to happen.
Ultimately, the previous board leave us in a healthy financial position but now realise that they had taken us as far as they could/were willing to and had also pushed the fans to breaking point. Think they knew that with things as they are they risked the value of any sale decreasing in the near future. If this news is now followed with a new coach in time for next season, I think the possible/probable decline in season ticket sales will be avoided and hopefully our on-field slide finally arrested. I know I'd be back in the queue.