Re: AP : Tue May 18, 2021 6:06 pm
If you take the tribal emotion out of it it comes down to this.
The KCOM stadium is a publicly owned asset.
The Council appointed the SMC as its custodian, presumably to manage its operation for the benefit of both tenants, and to preserve its condition and value for the taxpayer. It seems to be failing on both counts.
As has long been the case the Council seemingly has no interest or appetite in holding them to account - the Allams have good expensive lawyers I would expect. We have seen today the council advise people to flag concerns to the SMC but no interest in getting involved. Rather than taking them to task over their failure to deliver, they simply advise fans of the sub lessees to send an email, which they fully know will be ignored, in a misspelt tweet. Beyond weak.
So in effect we are knackered. No leverage, no protection from the council, no realistic alternative.