Re: Adam Pearson in Hull FC takeover : Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:01 pm
I was a little taken aback when I got a text at 07:00 in the morning whilst preparing to go down to breakfast in Wales and I have had time to think about it. If this is just Adam Pearson acting on his own and I think it is then this can be very good news. I know he has always enjoyed watching FC and stopped going when certain parties at the club made it difficult for him. This move does nothing to assist Mr Allams KC bid as I do not believe for one minute that he is prepared to pay anything like the going rate to a council wary of him and his actions. I think we have to be 100% supportive and patient, things rarely change for the better quickly and I know we have had a lean time in recent years but success is still a little way away yet. I am pleased to see that the many of the top executive side of the operation are staying, James Rule has been a good performer for the club and despite what some people might think worth hanging onto. The transition has been quick and painless thus far, I do feel that Rich Agar may well be feeling exposed now and we may yet see a face from our past return in some capacity. I for one would welcome the change if it be for a few weeks or a longer period.
Good luck to Adam he will I am confident take the club that tiny step we need to take us to the level we had just 5/6 six years ago and then onwards to greater glory.