Re: Your Dons memories : Thu May 26, 2011 9:28 pm
The Dons once had three professional wrestlers in there pack prop forwards George Goodyear,Mal Kirk & hooker Ted Heath.Mal Kirks mother always came to watch here son play at Tattersfield she always stood in the same spot every home game which was next to gate where the teams came on to the pitch as they emerged from the tunnel underneath the main stand.Mrs Kirk always carried an umberella and she could be seen pointing her brolly at the opposing players and shouting advice to Mal of which players he should try and take out of the game.I remember at the end of one particular game she opened the gate and went on to the pitch and when she found her son she prodded him with the umberella and shouted whats up with yer Mally you didn't hit anybody today.Poor old Mal died in the wrestling ring during in a bout at Gt Yarmouth his opponent Big Daddy give Mal a body splash which caused Mal to suffer a massive fatal heart attack.