Hicks and Thaler came close. : Mon Oct 29, 2018 10:25 am
It was the first time for a while, in the first test vs NZ, that I thought our refs told it like it is and penalised accordingly ... well nearly!I have a view, perhaps wrongly, that our refs bend over backwards for tourist teams in an effort to not appear biassed in our favour.
It is almost subconscious and they find it hard to counter it.
I have never seen an Aussie walk, but have seen at least 2 Brits walk.
Back to Saturday ... the Kiwis weren't dirty, but they were full of cheating/ gamesmanship ... and largely they got away with it, but Hicks did stand up to them somewhat.
But he was still soft!
That peno under the posts against Hill by Johnson was a case in point.
He dived and should have been told quite simply and calmly to 'get up'.
Head high shots, crawling all over players, shoves, slowing down tactics, it all went off largely unpunished.
Hicks didn't stand for their lip though ... that was something.
So though better, our refs have a long way to go ... just punish the buggers and never mind the bias accusations.