Whelm factor : Tue Mar 03, 2020 6:45 pm
First Post so be gentle with me, after numerous years following my beloved team my whelm factor is at an all time low, I've been a big Carl hall fan and think the loyalty and commitment shown are top notch and also he's a nice bloke and i personally know he wants better for our club but we need a change so badly, in how many other professions can you consistently miss your targets and not be moved aside? Or even held accountable for it? I'm not on the 'cleggbook' thankfully but there's some right deluded brown nosers on there, we will never be able to progress when the first time you question anything Carl's foot soldiers jump in, i feel the brown nosers and happy clappers are holding this club back as it's clear we need a fresh vision and new ideas, we're being served up the same lame excuses week in week out we must be the most understanding set of fans I've ever known, as for our coach it's an experiment that hasn't worked we desperately need someone with charisma and fire in their belly who genuinely looks disappointed when we lose, sorry for the long post and this isn't a rant at Carl because he does deserve better for what he's put into the club it's just my feelings on the club right now, feel free to criticise or put me in my place COYD