The supposed dual reg agreement with Hull is an absolute joke , favouring one side and it ain't us.
Im sure many fans like myself expected the better quality players promised by CH to be the likes of Miloudi , Logan , Harris , Lane , Litten ,Fash ,Nzoungou, Green, Bienek and Matongo , however other than a fleeting glimpse we have yet again been sold down the river by the biggest bullsh!tter in Rugby League.
If promotion isn't forth-coming this season after all the talk of the five year plan then we as fans need to face the fact that Club Doncaster are happy for us to plod along making the same promises year upon year and never delivering.
How many chances are they going to give CH before they say enough is enough?
Support for the club from many of its core supporters ,who have followed the club home and away for years is dwindling, even with the £60 season ticket the crowds are pathetic.
I would number the hardcore fans now at less than 200 and if the club don't act quickly to address the poor quality rugby played under RH than with the new teams coming in it will be like turkeys voting for Christmas as more promotion places are ( pardon the pun ) gobbled up by the likes of New York and Ottawa.
Watching us getting out played by a team of misfits last Friday only goes to show that for all the talk we are a mid table side, in a poor division, playing a poor standard of rugby.