Personally I'm surprised everyone is chasing their tails over this and not questioning the conduct and integrity of the League Express as I have read they published an article naming who had voted for what in a secret ballot.
Either the article they put out is pure BS which I have read the Coventry chairman claims it is, meaning this is surely a breach of their Journalistic integrity and I would assume the named clubs would be entitled to damages due to Libel, defamation of character etc.
Or the paper have gone and published names of who voted for what on a secret ballot. Surely this is a breach of some kind of voting regulation, both the receiving of said data and publishing it? Afterall I assume the point of it being secret is to protect its integrity so that voters can vote how they choose without the fear of reprisals.
Have not, in this scenario, the League Express in effect tampered with all future votes by providing the tacit threat that your votes will be exposed to the media.
Surely this behaviour (and the small matter of how that information was obtained - if indeed it was) is of greater importance than who voted for what and why?
At the moment everyone seems to be talking about the smokescreen of the names without mentioning that whichever way you look at it, be the names correct or not, it is a very big no-no for them to have been published in the first place.