husband & wife who were ardent churchgoers went to see their local vicar - the husband said 'I have a problem,every time my wife puts herself in an erotic type position I get the uncontrollable urge to rip her clothes off and make mad passionate love,for example,the other day she was bending over to get something out of the freezer wearing a mini skirt and I had this sudden urge' the vicar turns to the wife and asks 'I can see this could be tricky for you,are you offended by this action ?' she replies no,not at all but my husband seems to think it's some kind of sinful act what with us being good christians etc'.the vicar reassures the couple and says 'well,as long as no one is hurt and it's done in the name of love,I can't see any problem'
The husband then says 'so vicar,you won't be banning us from church then ?' vicar replies ' no,of course not,why should I ?' the husband replies 'cos' the b***rds banned us from Tescos'...