The whole thing needs a review within the context of how the league operates.
The league is structured as a competitive, almost elite type structure from top to bottom assuming every club is a) fully developed and b) that every team is carrying over the strength from one year into the next. The fact is, you've got development teams struggling at the bottom, struggling 2nds around the middle and even now the odd 'traditional' team struggling higher up. It needs a tiering system that allows some flexibility lower down.
You can argue that teams shouldnt enter if they are not developed but at the end of the day - we surely want new teams and for people to play rugby league and there was no other development route other than risking NWC. Aslo, few secretaries really know their real squad size/strength until a few weeks into a season so they have to take a punt - that's what i think happens with 2nds who then lack numbers.
Also, lifestayles have changed. its increasingly rare that an individual is available every weekend over a season - have a few people with other commitments at the same time and suddenly a side can't play. So clubs need bigger squads to complete the same number of games and there is not a sudden increase in playing numbers so some will struggle.
And then league rules do not help. Given peoples lifestayles chnage etc. the league really should allow clubs free weekends if they give notice. We at Bury have taken some stick because we have conceded because of a stag doo and will concede next week most likely as our players will be at a wedding. We asked at start of year about the free...but there we no frees allowed so it's conceded games again.
The final thing that needs looking at is the penalties. 18 - 0 isnt enough points and fines should be based around when a team concedes. Nothing is worse than getting a phone-call at 1pm on the day - surely a club knows before that if they will struggle? It cost us c. £100 per game when teams did that to us in our first two years and we were renting a school pitch and doing the food ourselves. Penalties for conceding on the day should be higher to discourage one side messing another about.