"The Prime Minister said the biggest threat to the cost of living was if Britain allowed its debts to get out of control, driving up interest and mortgage rates."
If this is correctly reported, then Cameron is saying that interest rates need to stay low. So, how will that encourage anyone to save?
Besides, house prices are on the rise again anyway, but it's difficult to see how, even if interest rates were to rise, that would change much, given the rate at which interest presently is and the rates at which the likes of transport and fuel costs are going up.
Presumably, his 'point' is that interest rates need to stay low to encourage people to spend.
Now I could be wrong, but hasn't everyone decided that cheap credit was a bad thing, and didn't even Cameron's Tories suggest that the economy needs rebalancing? Have they not also suggested that saving is a positive thing to do?
Or was that all rhetoric, as opposed to the 'truth', as fed to him by big business and big finance?
"The Prime Minister said the biggest threat to the cost of living was if Britain allowed its debts to get out of control, driving up interest and mortgage rates."
If this is correctly reported, then Cameron is saying that interest rates need to stay low. So, how will that encourage anyone to save?
Besides, house prices are on the rise again anyway, but it's difficult to see how, even if interest rates were to rise, that would change much, given the rate at which interest presently is and the rates at which the likes of transport and fuel costs are going up.
Presumably, his 'point' is that interest rates need to stay low to encourage people to spend.
Now I could be wrong, but hasn't everyone decided that cheap credit was a bad thing, and didn't even Cameron's Tories suggest that the economy needs rebalancing? Have they not also suggested that saving is a positive thing to do?
Or was that all rhetoric, as opposed to the 'truth', as fed to him by big business and big finance?
Now I could be wrong, but hasn't everyone decided that cheap credit was a bad thing, and didn't even Cameron's Tories suggest that the economy needs rebalancing?
Of course they did and the fact this has not happened has meant they conveniently forget they ever said it. The fact the economy is growing in the exact same way as they said caused the problems in the first place has been conveniently forgotten. Institutions such as the IMF have not and point this our but it isn't very well reported. No surprise there then.
So Cameron espouses a "culture that...values that typically British, entrepreneurial, buccaneering spirit"
Let's check some definitions, shall we?
buc·ca·neer·ing (b k -nîr ng). adj. Showing boldness and enterprise, as in business, often to the point of recklessness or unscrupulousness.
buc·ca·neer noun \ˌbə-kə-ˈnir\ : a person who tries to become wealthy or powerful by doing things that are illegal or dishonest
1 : any of the freebooters preying on Spanish ships and settlements especially in 17th century West Indies; broadly : pirate 2 : an unscrupulous adventurer especially in politics or business
Yep, makes perfect sense. Mildly surprised he admits it so openly but they have become recklessly emboldened in recent times so maybe I shouldn't be.
It's all a ploy to return the country to the pre-Thatcher status quo - ie the masses with no prospect of advancement; and with power and prosperity held only by those who inherited capital and went to Eton or Harrow. Poor old Michael Gove, with his self-professed intellect one day he may realise he's the mouth piece for a party that despises him and oiks like him.
It's all a ploy to return the country to the pre-Thatcher status quo - ie the masses with no prospect of advancement; and with power and prosperity held only by those who inherited capital and went to Eton or Harrow. Poor old Michael Gove, with his self-professed intellect one day he may realise he's the mouth piece for a party that despises him and oiks like him.
It's just a load of nonsense. He talks about not spending public money but then talks about HS2 (a complete white elephant that will just enhance London's dominance in the UK economy). They've also committed ridiculous sums of UK tax payers money to the French and Chinese governments over Hinkley Point. As to interest rates, the Governor on the BoE said they'd rise when employment improved. Well Cameron is today excitedly wittering about the huge rise in employment, so maybe interest rates will go up sooner than he thinks?
Talk about double-speak. The guy is a total nice person.