Lately, Gove seems to have been making a habit of quoting his prejudices as fact.
Only last week he was busy making a speech in which he critcised the use of Mr Men characters in teaching year 11 students about Hitler and the Third Reich.
Either he hadn't noticed or he deliberately ignored the fact that what he was saying was not true.
The year 11 students learn first and then prepare a presentaion to introduce year 6 kids to the subject using Mr Men characters.
One might not agree with that part of the curriculum, one might wonder why that approach was taken ... but the dim bstrad should have at least checked his facts first before blundering in, Theresa May style.
When challenged on the point, he blustered on in high moral tones that he had every right to demand higher standards. (Loosely translated, it means that all children should be educated in the same way that he was so that they accept the establishment status quo and stop questioning the world around them)
Before challenging the curriculum, Gove ought to make himself aware of its content first, then he wouldn't look quite so much of a total pr1ckk.
But, hey, when preaching to the converted, being utterly wrong doesn't seem to matter much, so long as you sound convincing and
The Telegraph, for example, went along with Gove's initial criticism but has yet to correct its own misleading description of the Mr Men exercise.
The message went out there and won't be corrected by the right wing press.