Anakin Skywalker wrote:
Indeed it is but does that mean it needs to be a huge vaccum for the rest of the country?
I'd dispute that it is.
That there have been attacks by politicians on the rest of the country is not indicative of London doing something – indeed, there are many Londons, if you will, and some of them have been and are being attacked in the same way.
It's going to be the case in any country where the capital city is the home of not only the legislature, but also finance, culture etc (France is another example) that people will leave their homes in the 'provinces' and go to the city to 'make their fortune' – I know that's simplistic, but you get my drift.
I don't think
London sucks life (?) out of the rest of the country, more that increasingly over the last 30 years, because of political decisions (which are not 'London decisions' even if made in London's environs) and the intertwined recessions.
Who knows – 'The North' might have been delighted to see me pack my bags and come down here during the second recession of the 1980s, because that seemed the only coherent chance of getting long-term work progress. But I don't think that was because London sucks everything up, more because of a pattern of behaviour by politicians – who are mostly NOT from London – and particularly in the last 30-plus years enacting policies that had particularly negative effects on parts of the country outside London. Or in way, to be more precise, part of the country outside a few boroughs of London – and the Home Counties.