Religious Courts : Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:39 pm
There was an interesting case reported on the front page of this morning's Times. It involved the divorce of a young orthodox Jewish couple. The court decide to effectively sub-contract part of the settlement process to a Jewish religious court. Although the UK court retained its primacy it took into account the decision of the religious court. The judge said he had taken into account a 2008 speech from the great man - Rowan Williams - in deciding to take account of the religious court. The Muslim Council is reportedly delighted as this could open the door for Sharia courts to consider divorce cases.
Is all this a good thing or will, over time, will it start to blur our law? It is all well and good saying that the UK civil courts will always need to retain primacy but now the genie is out of the bottle will there be "mission creep" over time?