Durham Giant wrote:
As he has had NO mental health treatment of any kind for 11 years then it is quite probable that he does not meet the criteria or detention on grounds of mental health as the key criteria is that they have a mental health problem which is TREATABLE.
Although he has a personality disorder it is untreatable
If it is treatable why are they not treating him. Sounds like he has agood medical and legal case.
So you argue that someone can be madder than Madam McMad, but unless their madness is treatable, they can't be sectioned, but must be left alone to go wherever their madness takes them?
Anyway, like any other sectioned person, he is exercising his right to have a MH Trib rule on it. Personally, I hope he wins, I don't see any objection to letting him top himself, he is that rare thing, a piece of irredeemable subhuman scum, with zero mitigating qualities, and ending his own life would be perhaps the first decent thing he's done, although he'd be doing it for no-one but his egotistical self.