2022 Southstander.com Prediction Competition Week 6 : Mon Mar 14, 2022 3:16 pm
This week's results Leeds 8 Hull FC 31 - Hull FC by 23
Salford 16 Hull KR 26 - Hull KR by 10
St Helens 28 Warrington 2 - St Helens by 26
Wakefield 18 Toulouse 6 - Wakefield by 12
Catalans 28 Wigan 0 - Catalans by 28
Huddersfield 36 Castleford 24 - Huddersfield by 12
This week's scores
8 CuppaBrew, Southstander.com
6 Rhino46, Rhinos69, Steamy, Technology_tom
5 BRK, Kaybenbull, Steve Slippery Morris
4 BOG, Ducknumber1, Fathead96, Finglas, FoxyRhino, Frosties, Jamie101, John Boy 13, Ocdstephen, OtleyRhino, Rotherhamrhino, The Biffs Back
3 Deanos Rhinos, Highbury Rhino, Rixy, Sarahgrhino
2 Taxi4stevesmith
Overall Table
27 Southstander.com
25 Fathead96, John Boy 13, Rhino46, Steamy, Steve Slippery Morris
24 Kaybenbull, OtleyRhino, Rhinos69
23 CuppaBrew, Ducknumber1, Frosties, Taxi4stevesmith, Technology_tom
22 Jamie101, Rotherhamrhino
21 BOG, Finglas, The Biffs Back
20 FoxyRhino
19 BRK, Deanos Rhinos, Ocdstephen, Rixy, Sarahgrhino
18 Highbury Rhino
17 JMT
6 Rhino-Mark
5 Tomrhodes28
If people could please post their predictions in the format of just the 3 letter code listed below for each team and then the margins, it would be appreciated (or just type DRAW for a draw prediction).
Wigan (WIG) v Castleford (CAS)
Catalans (CAT) v Hull KR (HKR)
Salford (SAL) v Leeds (LEE)
Warrington (WAR) v Wakefield (WAK)
Toulouse (TOU) v St Helens (STH)
Hull FC (HFC) v Huddersfield (HUD)
Predictions to be made before the first game of the round on Thursday 17th March at 8pm
Good luck