Quote Mr Dog="Mr Dog"Not quite....both BBBBB LTD and the Orcas are shown as PWSC and both as owning 75% or more of shares or voting rights? BBBBB has 2 officers: Kimberely Stather (sole shareholder) and Charlotte Louise Monkman. Not sure where Wood fits in all this?'"
Its all a bit weird...
Firstly the new company registration address I recognised... its pretty much opposite where my grandparents used to live. Its not a council house but trust me when I say its a very standard semi detached house... not the kind of place you'd have as the new HQ of a business!!! However, i now know why this is the case... linked to one of the company officers and if Charlie boy did knock on the door I doubt her hubby (who happens to be built like a brick out house) would have given you the warmest of welcomes!!!
Anyway... Company officers:-
Charlotte Monkman - appears to be the Business Manager at Global Rugby League Solutions Ltd (company owned by Nigel Wood and run by director Wendy Wood). Currently Programme Manager for the 2021 RLWC. Previously worked at the RFL (old news now I know)
Kimberley Stather - Is a friend of a friend I've come to discover. I believe she and hubby is good family friends with the Woods and I also know she and her family are big Bulls fans.
Seems to be lots of "friends or friends" involved behind the scenes. Chalmers does still appear to be involved but his missus has now withdrawn (Orcas Rugby) but no sign of Sawyer who apparently had just under 25% of the shares. That said...
Remember when two new rugby themed companies popped up in August (Bradford Northern Rugby 2020 and Bradford Rugby 2020) and nobody could work out who was behind it. Well after spending my lunch break searching Companies House (just call me Poirot) I stumbled upon something.
- Both new companies set up by Jonathan
Charles Round c/o York Place, Elizabeth House, Leeds
- Mark Sawyer is a Director for a company called Line Distance Ltd
- Line Distance Ltd is a company that deals in Real Estate, set up by... York Place Company Ltd
So could we be possibly seeing the picture start to come together more clearly?
Is Sawyers real estate company setting up potential holding companies through a well known associate and if so why?
Could Charlie boy actually by Mr Jonathan Charles Round who set said companies up?
Could Charlie (or Jonathan) be the insider who says he knows what the actual dealings are and that its not all above board?
Could Nestegg actually be right about this???
Or am I just going completely paranoid and need to lay down in a dark room and hope to wake up pre-season in 2012 realising it was all a bad dream
tune in next week to find out. Think i'm going