On the face of it I would agree that certain external influences have played against us in our recent financial plight. However, for eons, Odsal has never been an appropriate venue, in this sport, as a basis for running a business on a budget.Not helped in any way by the hapless lease issues which were deemed essential for survival but subsequently has all but destroyed us.It would be crazy, without a wealthy benefactor, that anyone would expect us to prosper as an entity in our own right. The responsibility is solely on us as a Club and having to rely on outside involvement to sustain us was foolhardy.I don't discount any part the RFL have played in all this, but we really have to stand on our own two feet.This we have been unable to do so far. I do agree that as fans we need more clarity as to the puppetry involved in determining Bulls ownership..but this would be irrelevant if we were in any way a going concern with a workable business plan. We have successively lacked credibility and the fans are paying the price yet again.Back to basics is a bit raw for some of us but perfectly understandable, but in the longer term, any Owner will need the co-operation of other Partners in moving forwards in Bradford. Just my view for what it's worth.
You are right.
There are wealthy community based backers and fans interested, but they were not talking to the now defunct CB and his SCC, due to concerns re the role that was likely being played by the aforementioned external parties. The true story is complex, but is we believe about to be told. It may well be a best seller, but sadly for the main part only in Bradford .. and possibly Salford lol
So for now you appear to be stuck with us, so we'd better come out of the woodwork.