johnny freeman fan club wrote:
Correct me if I am wrong but does the club not still have to buy the RFL ones regardless of wether you sell any or not? I think the minimum order is 250 so if you don`t sell hardly any are you not loseing money on them?
You are correct there. I 'm not sure of the exact number we have to purchase, at £1 per copy, although it turned out to be double the number we were initailly advised of!
We decided to continue with 'The Centurion' for a number of reasons:-
Communication - we believed our supporters wanted to read about their club, and our visitors. (we always aim to produce at least a double page spread on our visitors, plus a feature by one of their supporters.
Actually, we haven't had a volunteer from 'Fax yet - if you are interested........?
Revenue - the income from sponsors/advertisers, is significant. We didn't want to lose that.
Contractual - we had a contract with our excellent publishers, to produce 'The Centurion' for the 2009 season! (not that this was a major factor, in our decision!)
I can, of course, appreciate that many clubs do not feel the way we do, and respect their reasons for discontinuing the match programme.