Crying shame : Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:00 pm
The attendance today was shameful in the sense that the team deserve better. There can be no better argument to demonstrate the paucity of the clubs marketing strategy. They even seem to losing our hard fought for hard core. I know the weather was poor, the Celts did not bring many and the other distractions in London but the club will disappear up its own exhaust pipe at this rate. There is no point in building a winning side if the effort is not put in to build the crowds. I know this is a well tread path but no one seems to be listening. I know we have 'themed' matches coming up but we have got to grab the publics imagination and it is clearly not happening. I was hoping Mark Evans would climb aboard and rescue the image of the club, I cannot see how the game will catch fire in the capital if he does not.
Rant over, over to you Gutters.