wire-quin wrote:
Whats changed?? Lockdown finishes mid Feb, 13 million vulnerable people will be vaccinated by then, I would say its all systems go as long as championship is elite sport.
Eccles and Co need to be flogging the players.
You're not usually that deluded WQ? Where do you get the idea 13m people will be vaccinated in the next 5 weeks when there are currently only about half million doses of vaccine in the country?
Who is going to pick up the tab for the testing that will be required? The cost of putting on a game behind closed doors could be prohibitive. Can't see how a club can fund all of that & player wages IF the only income stream is ppv (how much would the RFL cteam of the top for using their platform) & sponsors unless Amazon, Alphabet or Google are signing up tomorrow?
Two things that are required are leadership & planning. Depressingly the RFL & SL are incompetent at both.