Respect to all the teams and their fans in our league and in that I include all teams and fans from top to bottom that contribute to our game. I have yet to see any team roll over in our league and have seen some fantastic efforts and performances highs and lows. We have all had those highs and lows and if I am honest that's what keeps me coming back for more.Ours is the best league bar NONE !
Take a look at some of the big time Charlies in S/L where some seem to take the view that putting in mediocre performances is OK because they have nothing to loose and will pick up a fat pay packet regardless.
If I were a fan of some of these clubs I would genuinely have to ask myself if I were not better off watching Championship Rugby League rather than contributing to what can only be described as the great S/L rip off.
S/L is doing nothing for grass roots Rugby League in my view and and the sooner the RFL wise up and rethink the whole Sham our game is in grave danger of becoming extinct.
I am genuinely proud to say I am a fan of the game in the Championship.
We should all sell the game to our mates,family friends,any bugger that will listen to help build and grow our own league and put some more butts on seats.
Be loud and proud Championship fans !