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Academy Player73No
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Ex-Player Interviews : Sun Jun 18, 2023 9:51 am  
I've started to do some Ex-Player interviews on the Facebook group and I know not everyone does or likes the FB side of things. A shame for some people not to have a read, especially as a lot will have great memories of the players. So for those that aren't in the group, I've copied and pasted them here for you to have a read as well.


Let's start with Geoff Bagnall the player. Tell us about your junior days and why and where you played Rugby League ?
Footy for me started in Brisbane Queensland , my father took me down to a club when I was 7, he said I was a bit shy and wanted me to play a team sport. Certainly helped with that, not many describe me as shy now !!!!
I grew up watching Brisbane Rugby league a highlight at 13 was that I got to see Wally Lewis debut for a team called Valleys he had a fantastic game and obviously went on to become a legend of the game ..I also played a lot against Alfie Langer as a kid and the Walters brothers they were all from Ipswich and we had some great rivalry. I’ve loved Rugby League since my first game at 7 it’s definitely ‘The Greatest Game of All”

From Gold Coast Seagulls to Wakefield Trinity. How did the move to Wakefield come about and did you even know Wakefield existed prior to the move ?
Being a rugby league fanatic, I knew about the game in England I even admired a followed guys like Roger Milward, Tommy Bishop, Mal Reilly and my to be coach David Topliss.
At the time Neil Cadigan was general manager of Wakey he knew I was in between teams on the Gold Coast and called me to suggest a move to play in England -at first this was a trial period and I arrived about New Year 1992. It was funny that when I arrived Caddo resigned from Wakey so I didn’t even get to see him, we’ve caught up since a few times he’s a great person.

Can you remember your Wakefield 1st team debut, who it was against and how did it go ?
Definitely remember I played A team with Brookey at Wakey against Wigan on the Saturday and then played off the bench against Wigan at Central Park the next day – it was a full house for my Debut not to see me though it was Martin Offiahs debut for Wigan. Toppo put me on in the first half we were going ok, I remember kicking down to a corner and chased my own kick, Offiah whom I didn’t know picked up the ball and whisked past me, my thoughts being ‘poop’ I hope all the wingers over here aren’t that quick!!! We lost but went well, actually that year I’m pretty sure we got to the Semi finals .
I don't think there has been many better half back partnerships at Wakefield than Geoff Bagnall and Nigel Wright. Was there anything special that made you two bond together on the field ?
Nigel was a talented player I could see that straight away; I also really enjoyed his company so we spent time on and off the field together. We worked on our combination at training and Toppo obviously encouraged this. I wish I had more time with Nigel as a player as I really thought we could of done a lot more together but no regrets as I cherished our time together.
To this day I still have that bond and special friendship with Nigel, it was great to spend time with him last year in London he will always be a good friend.

When I interviewed Webby, he told us about his drinking days with Fritzy. As team captain, shouldn't you have been driving round Westgate looking for them to get them back to bed and ready for training the next day?
I did my best, Toppo would always be asking me to check on them - most of the times I joined them !!!
Funny days what two great character’s they were and a great partnership as well. I knew if we had Fritzy and Webby up front we were a chance to win. Back then I had my work cut out as Captain with blokes like Roundy, Belly, Nige, Slats to name a few -The Grazier’s down from Wakey was where we partied!! I taught Slats and the boys to surf in the pub!!! Yes SURF!
During that era, we really had great comradery, I put that down to Toppo and the coaching staff and us players sticking together and having a good time. As captain my belief was that the more you got to know the bloke next to you the better you played. We had a bit of success on the back of that.

Do you have any other tales to tell about them or others within the squad that you can share with us ?
The Great Cover Up -not many know this but Benno -Peter Benson and Fritzy decided it would be a good idea to go to Benidorm for a week in the middle of the season of course I’m left to make up their excuses for missing the whole weeks training with Toppo questioning their presence at every opportunity. They wear tracksuits for the week on the Island so they don’t come back sunburnt or tanned. However, both spend the week hiding from Stuart Farrer our major director of the club whom happened to be holidaying over there. I often laugh at the thought too big Aussies in tracksuit’s in 30 degrees heat hiding from Stuart for the week.
Footnote : we beat Leeds that week with Beno and Fritzy having blinders!

The Yorkshire Cup win was a massive achievement and memory for a lot of fans. How did the build up to the final & the game go for you, especially as captain of the side ?
We were playing well as a team at that stage Fritzy was causing havoc with all opposition and our forward pack with Webby, Slats, Pricey, Belly, Billy and Glancy were leading the way. On the day I remember Toppo had us fired up I loved him as a coach and we all knew he’d been there before -we were never going to get beaten that day- Toppo had a great game plan and we followed it.
Everyone had a hand in the win even Beno kicked a few goals and won a fight against Gary Jack!!

It was good to see the Yorkshire Cup Reunion as well and it's great to see overseas players still keeping those links with the club. How was that evening and your stay back over in the UK then ?
What a great night a huge thankyou to the current Old Boys and Wakefield committee, it was everything we expected. It was fantastic to see most of the boys turn up and even after 30 years it seemed like yesterday that we were together.
We had the best few weeks, Beno and I stayed with Gary and Bev Spencer he was the best host and our chauffeur. I seriously saw more of Wakey in 2 weeks than the 3 years I had over there.
Slats and Tania put up with me a couple of nights which was awesome and Fritzy of course stayed with Webby and Amanda.
We caught up with Nige Wright in London whom was very game in taking Fritzy and I on a pub crawl, lets just say it was like the Old Days and a very long night !!
I also want to thank Beno who paid for Fritzys trip over as it wouldn’t have been the same without the 3 imports. Beno is my best mate and Fritzy now lives close by, we often catch up for a beer, it’s so good having mates from Wakey days.

Can you give us any other highs and lows of your time at Trinity ?
All highs for me and my wife Marissa we were treated so well by the Wakefield club. A special mention to Trevor Brown whom at the time helped the Aussies settle in, he was a good liaison for the club at the time and became a good friend. Friendship with all the boys and enjoying our footy was the best part about Wakey and I genuinely loved the fans especially when we were winning !
We all have enjoyed visits to Australia from Gary and Bev, Slats and Tania and Belly over the years as has Chris Perry whom even had Slats and Jonesy play for his Aussie team.
Chris and Sue Perry have been our good friends since meeting in Wakefield 30 years ago I suppose that’s what makes playing a team sport so unique it’s those lifetime memories and friendships that is made along the way. I feel so blessed I had that moment in time with the great Wakefield Trinity Club!

And how did your time at Wakefield come to an end in 1994 ?
That Christmas I had a call from Tim Sheens at the Raiders he wanted a back up halfback for the injury prone Ricky Stuart. I really wanted another crack at the NRL and thought it was to good of an opportunity. I always thought I’d come back to Wakey but that never happened.
As it turned out I ended up with a serious injury that year and Ricky Stuart never missed a match and Canberra Raiders went on to win the premiership.
I went on and played to about 33 yrs old as a captain coach of a local Gold Coast team.

Let’s finish with a chance to reflect on the players you played with in your career. Give us your dream team 1-13 of players that you played with either at Wakefield or in Oz ?
Toppo always wanted to get the Yorkshire Cup team back on the field but this rarely happened due to injuries. I agreed with him if we could have held those players together for a few more seasons I think we could achieve big things. So here goes my best Wakey team 1. Gary Spencer 2. David Jones 3.Andy Mason 4.Peter Benson 5.Andy Wilson 6. Nigel Wright 7. Geoff Bagnall 8. Mark Webster 9. Nigel Bell 10.John Glancy 11.Gary Price 12.Darren Fritz- 13.Richard Slater 14. Bill Conway 15.Chris Perry 16. Matt Fuller 17. Dave Woods 18. Michael Jackson.
And from that team, who would captain it and why ?
I would make Nigel Wright the captain and not let him go to Wigan and build a team around him in future years !!!
And to end with, anything you would like to add to the Wakefield fans out there ?
Yes, keep the faith it’s a tough year but this is when support is needed!
And besides that we did beat Leeds which is all that matters!!!
I’d also like to thank the fans whom still remember the old days and my time at Wakefield, you made my time at Wakefield incredible and memorable.

Cheers !
Academy Player73No
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Re: Ex-Player Interviews : Sun Jun 18, 2023 9:55 am  

Let's start with Mark Webster the player. Tell us about your junior days and how you eventually were approached and signed for your first professional club?
I played for a few local clubs and followed Richard Slater around to play for Normanton as a 14 year old after playing for others. Jason Timmins played as well plus a load other players who went on to make a career in the game. I was 90% certain to sign for Halifax whilst training for Wakefield at the time and then Saints came along and that was a straight forward process and signed for them.
And then the move to Wakefield, how did that come about ?
I was at Saints for 3 years (into a 6 year contract) although not really enjoying it. I got a call from someone at Wakefield (can't remember exactly who it was from) and asked if I wanted to do some off season training with them. An unspecified fee so don’t know what transfer was paid but I made the move over the M62 to join Trinity.
A lot of people have a perception that professional sports players gets paid mega bucks. Can you tell us any of your contracts or signing on fees ?
We never got paid mega bucks, it was part time alongside work. Training Tues, Thurs, Saturday. Best contract was the first one I got at Saints. A big difference between the two clubs though. An example was my boots were knackered, at Wakefield they said “you’ll get a few more games out of them still”. Saints you just got a new pair with no questions asked. I moved to full time training for a few years having saved up some money to support the decision until I got injured but Wakey been Wakey couldn’t pay for my operation and I ended up not having one in the end. I was in pot for 10 months but another player had the same injury soon after and he was sent for an operation and was back playing within a few months. There seemed to be a lot of better treatment for the players who came from further away (including overseas) in comparison to local lads.
We've not won many trophies in my time as a supporter but the Yorkshire Cup was one to note. You played in that game, give us your memories of the game in terms of preparation, the game itself and the celebrations afterwards?
Preparation... well we played Saints at home, Phil Veivers got his stud stuck in my leg and I had to get stitched up. Johnny Thompson played in the semi against Featherstone whilst I was injured. Before the final, I passed a fitness test and was put back in the side at his expense which didn’t go down very well at all. Usual diet, I loved a bar of chocolate the night before a game. Everyone was looking forward to the game but we didn’t change much in the prep or the approach before the final compared to a normal game.
Game wise, I can remember turning up and getting changed. I watched the game back and got a knock to the head after ten minutes, I remembered Slats first try and him going crazy and a few decent balls but that's about it. Honestly, I don’t remember much because of the knock to the head and I have watched it back numerous times to actually remember how the game went.
Celebrations afterwards, me and Fritzy with all the other players celebrated hard in the Coach House with friends, family & supporters which made it a great night. We celebrated for a few days more after that as well if I am honest !

You were good mates with Darren Fritz, can you give us a story about his time at the club (be careful, I am sure he is a member of the group !!)?
Ted was chairman at the time, I used to work for him in his warehouse alongside playing. Monday morning Fritzy would come round to the warehouse and say we are off to the sauna, I told Fritzy that I can’t because I am working. Fritzy would then go see Ted and sort it. We would then disappear to Sun Lane baths and a coffee afterwards. We would then get rid of the cars, and then we would meet in the Waterloo or Redoubt and nip over to the bookies and back for the rest of the afternoon. This was a regular Monday thing and I never did much work for Ted on those days. I was with Fritzy most days whilst he was over here and if you ever saw him out I was usually with him and vice versa.
It was good to see the Wakefield Trinity Heritage team put together the Yorkshire Cup reunion. How was that for you and seeing the old faces again ?
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Fritzy stayed at my house for two weeks and I managed to book a few days off work so I could spend some more time with him. Geoff Bagnall & Peter Benson came over so I saw them a lot as well although Benno was always playing golf. The dinner was exceptional, nearly all the side were there together. A lot of the other ex players were there too which added to the whole event. I’ll never forget that day for the rest of the life and really appreciative for the guys who do the Heritage side of things for putting it on for us all.
And to end the playing side of things, who was the best player you played with and the best or toughest you played against ?
I have to say Fritzy for who I played with. He was State of Origin back home and was quality and I am not just saying that because he is a mate. I could have picked loads at Saints but didn’t get much chance to play with them due to not having many chances to play in the first team. Gary Schofield away from Wakefield was the best I played against. Although it was the back end of his career when I went up against him and although his legs might not have been what they were in his younger days, he still had it all with his intelligence and knowledge for the game and where to be and what do in those difficult situations.
Now let's look at Webby the supporter. Why did you choose to follow Trinity as a fan after your playing career ?
My original team was Fev and watch them all over the place with my dad. After I played for Wakey I made a lot of friends and felt it was good to stay with them. I always see fans in and around and always happy to share a story or two if they come for a chat. It’s the little things at Wakey I suppose that brings the players, the fans and the staff together throughout the years. I still like watching Fev in the Championship and Saints as well. It was amazing to see them win the World Club Challenge last week. Although my top team will always be Wakey.
What were your highs and lows during your time as a player / supporter ?
Supporter Lows – Hated / detested losing to Cas 10 or 11 times on the bounce. I hate them with a passion. They came to sign me a few times in my playing career and I told them where to go.
Playing Highs & Lows – Meeting and playing with Fritzy, Benno, Slats, Bagnall and others. I actually signed for an Australian club at one point in my career. They were Canberra’s feeder team over there, I think they were called Rockhampton Brothers or something like that. In those days you could play over here through the season and then the Australian season continued when ours ended. That was a high for me, to be able to sign for an Australian side, even if it was only a feeder team. It would be an opportunity to get my name over there. The big low happened not long after and I got the long term injury and the move over there collapsed.
Supporter Highs – Anytime beating or sending Cas down (Did I tell you that I don’t like them !!). Although when they went down instead of Wigan, I didn’t agree with that at all. We had lost the opportunity for bragging rights with them playing in the division below but I still think Wigan should have gone that year.

How has the game changed from your days to the "exciting" brand that is Super League ?
Full time athletes, stronger, dieticians, better training regime. A lot more structured game plan and teams don’t play off the cuff as much as you used to. Wedges, running into dummy runners were a key part of tactics back then. These days if anyone attract players and they run into your opposite shoulder then there is always the view that this is obstruction. More cameras and focus on the little things which was never focussed upon in the same way back in my day when all we had was Scrumdown on a Sunday evening (alongside the BBC and Grandstand showing games). But the analysis of every try and aspect was never there compared to what it is now.
So let's have your all time dream team, either from your playing days or supporter days ?
I could easily say the Yorkshire Cup Side but I won’t so let’s have a think….
1. Gary Connolly (Special mention to Gary Spencer who could have got it)
2. Alan Hunte
3. Paul O’Loughlin
4. Paul Newlove
5. Andy Wilson aka The Rubber Man
6. Gary Schofield (or Nigel Wright)
7. Geoff Bagnall (or Neil Holding)
8. Kurt Sorenson
9. Billy Conway
10. Dean Sampson
11. Darren Fritz
12. Roy Hagerty
13. Gary Price (or Richard Slater)

And from that team, the toughest player you have seen play (not played with) ?
Kurt Sorenson. I played in Neil Holdings testimonial against Widnes (you don’t have friendlies against Widnes). I got on for 10 minutes and I was in a scrum with Sorenson. He gave me a look before the scrum was packed and then put his fingers in my eyes when we went down in the scrum. Roy Hagerty threw a punch over me and it all kicked off. Everyone kicked off except me as I couldn’t see a thing or knew where I was. Kurt was a big strong running forward and not to be messed with and he definitely picked on the young kid on that occasion to show who was boss !!
And finally your thoughts for this season and how you think we might go in 2023?
Before the season kicked off I was hopeful. On paper it looked ok but could be better. I was disheartened after losing to Catalans as I saw it as an opportunity for us to start well. All the ex players that I saw before the game were hopeful of a win. Wigan, I suppose you have those games although not defending the result. Hopefully tonight will be an improvement. Geoff spoke to me about Kevin Proctor and thinks he will come good as his fitness improves. I just hope we aren’t in a relegation fight but it’s more hope as it’s clear to see that we are going to struggle from the first few games.
Anything else you would like to add?
I still talk to Fritzy each week along with Geoff. I’m hoping to go over there next year to see them which should be great.
I meet all the ex players in the lower bar behind the sticks before each game so always good to see old faces again. We might be going to see Leeds and Hull KR away as they have links with the ex players as well. A big thanks to the Heritage boys again for the work they do and obviously have to say thanks to Trinity for been able to meet and talk to the lads before the game and the events that they put on. All the lads will say hello so if you see any of us knocking around the ground, say hello and have a catch up with us.
I hate them 6 fingered Dingles by the way…. If I haven’t already told you that !!
Cheers Webby !!
Academy Player73No
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Re: Ex-Player Interviews : Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:01 am  

Let's start with Semi Tadulala the player. Tell us about your junior days in Australia and why you played Rugby League ?
I never played junior rugby league. I came to Australia at the age of 15, I was playing basketball after school at my high school which I also was learning and enjoying playing at the time. My cousin played league for the school, someone didn’t turn up so my cousin asked me to fill in at fullback at training. End up sitting on the bench that weekend, played my first game and played the ball to the opposition. The rest is history hahaha…
You started off with the Melbourne Storm. How did the move to Wakefield come about ?
To be honest, I really wasn’t committed as I should be in Melbourne. Bellyache ( Craig Bellamy) called me in at the end of the year and said that I have an option to look elsewhere for next year or stay but I will be staying in reserve grade. At the time my best mate John Wilshire got offered contracts by Wakefield and Warrington and he took up Warrington offer and asked me if I wanted to go to Wakefield. I had no idea where Wakefield was but I said yes and just wanted to get out of Melbourne and Australia to start a new life.
Can you remember your Wakefield 1st team debut, who it was against and how it went ?
My first trial was Featherstone, it was freezing cold but enjoyed it. First super league debut was very special as I played against one of best mates John Wilshire who was the reason I was in the UK. I remember the atmosphere was so good to play in and realised how passionate, UK supporters were.
The Super League journey was far from easy. Can you give us some highs and lows of your time at Trinity ?
Highs were making the playoffs in 2004 with no one giving us a chance except for the playing group, staff and some of our faithful supporters. Surviving relegation was up there as well but a weird game to play in. Lows was when I broke my arm in 2007 Wakey didn’t offer me a contract so had to look elsewhere. I was attending a church in Bradford at the time and simply asked the lord to give me an opportunity to play for the Bulls. Long story short I got offered a two year contract after missing a whole year of rugby because god is faithful.
We had so many personalities in the squad when you played. Was there anyone in particular who you stuck around with during your time ?
David Solomona was one of my best friends maybe because his wife was a great cook lol or he enjoys teasing my English because I can’t speak it properly. Hahaha. On a serious note the way David lived his life as man of god was what caught my attention. How he loved his wife and kids was attractive to me and I use to think, that’s how I want to love my wife and children when I get married.
There was rumours of a move to Gloucester before you eventually departed for Bradford. How was your time at the Bulls ?
Yeah there was talks with that happening but it fell through because I needed to play for Fiji rugby union to qualify to play in the Guinness premiership. Loved my time at the Bulls was a bit different to Wakey, seemed a bit more professional and well organised club which I hope Wakey is Nowadays.
And to finish your UK journey, you teamed up with Korki to join Jason Demetriou at Keighley. How was that for a final swansong ?
Yeah that was not planned at all but it was great finish and closure for my UK journey. I would have loved to finish at Wakey but on my way back from playing for Fiji in 2011 in PNG. I was told that there was no contract for 2012 after being promised by the CEO at the time. It was really disappointing because Wakey offered me a role at the club instead. JD and I had a chat and I agreed to join him Korky and Obsty at the Cougars. Which then led to JD getting offered a contract to come back home to Australia and brought us back with him.
You scored almost 100 career tries in the UK which must be something you have been proud of, including many hat tricks. Do you have any favourite tries or hat tricks that you scored during your career ?
Wow, I didn’t realise I scored that many. Probably would have scored more if Sid and BJ didn’t have webs on their hands hahaha. They are some good ones but running straight through the bulls defensive line on a kick return and scored it at Bellevue was special. Scoring against Hull in Hull during playoffs with a busted hamstring was also special. Stepping half of the Leeds team to score when I was at Bradford was also up there as well. Playing outside Dave Solomona he set me up tries in his sleep!
And what about Semi Tadulala now, career wise after rugby ? What do you do and what keeps you busy ?
We have our family business Turnkey Support Services. We are a fully registered NDIS ( national disability insurance scheme) company). Been in operation now for a year. We look after all disability clients that are on the NDIS, we can help people get onto the NDIS and help people understand the NDIS. My wife Sarah Tadulala and I have 5 children Josiah Samuel Tadulala 11, Zion Daniel Tadulala 10, Nevaeh Mele Tadulala 7, Olivia Coco Tadulala 5, Thomas Shane Tadulala 2. Our children keeps us busy, gymnastics, rugby, dance training for kids and our work keeps us pretty busy. I also coach a rugby league program at our kids private school here in Cairns.
Let’s finish with a chance to reflect on the players you played with in your career. Give us your dream team 1-13 of players that you played with ?
1. Billy Slater 2. Marcus Bai. 3 Sid Domic 4. Jason Demetriou . 5 Fifita Moala 6. Ben Jeffries 7. Cooper Cronk 8. Andy Lynch 9. Terry Newton 10. Sam Burgess 11. Dave Solomona 12. Gaz Ellis 13 Steve Menzies
And from that team, who would captain it and why ?
JD he proved it when we were fighting for Wakey to stay up. He kept us focus on rugby rather than external things.
And to end with, anything you would like to add to the Wakefield fans out there ?
To all the Wakey fans, thank you for your support, encouragement and criticism when I was at Wakey. Wakefield will always hold a special part in my heart. It’s where I lived most of my life in the Uk and also the longest club I played with. Please reach out to me on Facebook Semi Lacabuka or instagram, email me on if you make it to Australia and in Cairns reach out. Thank you for allowing me to share my journey and what an honour and prevelidge was it for me to represent the mighty Wakefield Wildcats. God bless you all, praying blessings, favour and the love of Christ for increase over you all in Jesus name. Amen.
Cheers !

Let's start with Semi Tadulala the player. Tell us about your junior days in Australia and why you played Rugby League ?
I never played junior rugby league. I came to Australia at the age of 15, I was playing basketball after school at my high school which I also was learning and enjoying playing at the time. My cousin played league for the school, someone didn’t turn up so my cousin asked me to fill in at fullback at training. End up sitting on the bench that weekend, played my first game and played the ball to the opposition. The rest is history hahaha…
You started off with the Melbourne Storm. How did the move to Wakefield come about ?
To be honest, I really wasn’t committed as I should be in Melbourne. Bellyache ( Craig Bellamy) called me in at the end of the year and said that I have an option to look elsewhere for next year or stay but I will be staying in reserve grade. At the time my best mate John Wilshire got offered contracts by Wakefield and Warrington and he took up Warrington offer and asked me if I wanted to go to Wakefield. I had no idea where Wakefield was but I said yes and just wanted to get out of Melbourne and Australia to start a new life.
Can you remember your Wakefield 1st team debut, who it was against and how it went ?
My first trial was Featherstone, it was freezing cold but enjoyed it. First super league debut was very special as I played against one of best mates John Wilshire who was the reason I was in the UK. I remember the atmosphere was so good to play in and realised how passionate, UK supporters were.
The Super League journey was far from easy. Can you give us some highs and lows of your time at Trinity ?
Highs were making the playoffs in 2004 with no one giving us a chance except for the playing group, staff and some of our faithful supporters. Surviving relegation was up there as well but a weird game to play in. Lows was when I broke my arm in 2007 Wakey didn’t offer me a contract so had to look elsewhere. I was attending a church in Bradford at the time and simply asked the lord to give me an opportunity to play for the Bulls. Long story short I got offered a two year contract after missing a whole year of rugby because god is faithful.
We had so many personalities in the squad when you played. Was there anyone in particular who you stuck around with during your time ?
David Solomona was one of my best friends maybe because his wife was a great cook lol or he enjoys teasing my English because I can’t speak it properly. Hahaha. On a serious note the way David lived his life as man of god was what caught my attention. How he loved his wife and kids was attractive to me and I use to think, that’s how I want to love my wife and children when I get married.
There was rumours of a move to Gloucester before you eventually departed for Bradford. How was your time at the Bulls ?
Yeah there was talks with that happening but it fell through because I needed to play for Fiji rugby union to qualify to play in the Guinness premiership. Loved my time at the Bulls was a bit different to Wakey, seemed a bit more professional and well organised club which I hope Wakey is Nowadays.
And to finish your UK journey, you teamed up with Korki to join Jason Demetriou at Keighley. How was that for a final swansong ?
Yeah that was not planned at all but it was great finish and closure for my UK journey. I would have loved to finish at Wakey but on my way back from playing for Fiji in 2011 in PNG. I was told that there was no contract for 2012 after being promised by the CEO at the time. It was really disappointing because Wakey offered me a role at the club instead. JD and I had a chat and I agreed to join him Korky and Obsty at the Cougars. Which then led to JD getting offered a contract to come back home to Australia and brought us back with him.
You scored almost 100 career tries in the UK which must be something you have been proud of, including many hat tricks. Do you have any favourite tries or hat tricks that you scored during your career ?
Wow, I didn’t realise I scored that many. Probably would have scored more if Sid and BJ didn’t have webs on their hands hahaha. They are some good ones but running straight through the bulls defensive line on a kick return and scored it at Bellevue was special. Scoring against Hull in Hull during playoffs with a busted hamstring was also special. Stepping half of the Leeds team to score when I was at Bradford was also up there as well. Playing outside Dave Solomona he set me up tries in his sleep!
And what about Semi Tadulala now, career wise after rugby ? What do you do and what keeps you busy ?
We have our family business Turnkey Support Services. We are a fully registered NDIS ( national disability insurance scheme) company). Been in operation now for a year. We look after all disability clients that are on the NDIS, we can help people get onto the NDIS and help people understand the NDIS. My wife Sarah Tadulala and I have 5 children Josiah Samuel Tadulala 11, Zion Daniel Tadulala 10, Nevaeh Mele Tadulala 7, Olivia Coco Tadulala 5, Thomas Shane Tadulala 2. Our children keeps us busy, gymnastics, rugby, dance training for kids and our work keeps us pretty busy. I also coach a rugby league program at our kids private school here in Cairns.
Let’s finish with a chance to reflect on the players you played with in your career. Give us your dream team 1-13 of players that you played with ?
1. Billy Slater 2. Marcus Bai. 3 Sid Domic 4. Jason Demetriou . 5 Fifita Moala 6. Ben Jeffries 7. Cooper Cronk 8. Andy Lynch 9. Terry Newton 10. Sam Burgess 11. Dave Solomona 12. Gaz Ellis 13 Steve Menzies
And from that team, who would captain it and why ?
JD he proved it when we were fighting for Wakey to stay up. He kept us focus on rugby rather than external things.
And to end with, anything you would like to add to the Wakefield fans out there ?
To all the Wakey fans, thank you for your support, encouragement and criticism when I was at Wakey. Wakefield will always hold a special part in my heart. It’s where I lived most of my life in the Uk and also the longest club I played with. Please reach out to me on Facebook Semi Lacabuka or instagram, email me on if you make it to Australia and in Cairns reach out. Thank you for allowing me to share my journey and what an honour and prevelidge was it for me to represent the mighty Wakefield Wildcats. God bless you all, praying blessings, favour and the love of Christ for increase over you all in Jesus name. Amen.
Cheers !
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Re: Ex-Player Interviews : Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:03 am  

Let's start with Dean Collis the player. Tell us about your junior days in Australia and why you played Rugby League ?

I started playing when I was 3. I come from a rugby league family and I had 2 older brothers who played so it was just a natural thing for me to do. I was obsessed with the game when I was little and I was always outside kicking a ball around.
You started off at Wests and then moved to Cronulla in the NRL. How did those years in the NRL go for you and how did the move to Wakefield come about ?
I was a Wests junior and came through the grades with them. I made my debut when I was 17 and still at school. My first few years I really enjoyed as I was trying to establish myself in the team. I had a few injuries in my last couple of years and my form wasn’t great. I decided to go to Cronulla in 2010. The 2 years I spent there weren’t great on many levels but I made some really good friends there with people like Paul Aiton and Tim Smith who obviously came to Wakefield at the same time as me.
My manager had a conversation with Richard Agar and asked if I would be interested in coming over. I was at a point in the NRL where I wasn’t enjoying it anymore and felt I needed a change. Myself and Tim Smith had the same management company so it made it easier knowing he was going as well.

Can you remember your Wakefield 1st team debut, who it was against and how it went ?

Yes, my debut was against Widnes who had just been promoted and we played at their stadium which had the synthetic ground. It was freezing, I think it was minus 8. I don’t remember too much from the game but we got the win.
You joined in 2012 and in that year we had a run into the playoffs eventually beaten by Leeds Rhinos who went on to win the Grand Final. How was your first season at Wakefield ?
2012 was probably my favourite year I spent playing professional rugby league. We had such a tight knit group of guys and the coaching staff were great. We started of the season a bit slow but we gathered momentum towards the back end of the year and had some really good victories over teams like St Helen’s and Leeds leading into the finals. Unfortunately we lost to Leeds in the playoffs but it was a great experience and something I will always remember.
The Super League journey was never far from easy. Can you give us some highs and lows of your time at Trinity ?
Obviously 2012 was a high. I think most people expected us to come last so to make the playoffs was a big achievement. The fans really got behind the team and you could feel the excitement around the club. On a personal level I felt like 2013 was one of my better years.
2014 was a tough year, the club was in a difficult position financially at the end of 2013 and we had to sell some of our better players. I was having a lot of injury issues in 2014 and 2015 which made it difficult to play the standard of rugby league I felt I could.

We had so many personalities in the squad when you played. Was there anyone in particular who you bonded with with during your time ?

We definitely had some big personalities in the squad. Particularly in the first 2 years we had a really tight group and there was plenty of players I got along with really well. I had a good relationship with Danny Kirmond, we both played on the right side and I feel like we had a good connection on and off the field. I still keep in touch with him today as well as Danny Washbrook. He was a great team player and always put the team first and was a great person to have around.
We have run some supporter interviews in the last few months and we ask them for their best ever team. One supporter named you at centre in his side and added "He’s one of the classiest Centres I’ve seen down at Belle Vue! Silky hands, great offload and great at drawing his man! Just a shame he had injury problems! He was defensively sound too! Imagine Ben Jones Bishop playing on the right with Collis on his inside?" Was this a good description of Dean Collis at Wakefield ?

I think that is a fair description of me. I worked closely with wingers on positional play and tried to build a good combination with them. I definitely had my injury problems, that was the most frustrating part of my time at Wakefield.
I gave the supporter who wrote the above an opportunity to ask you a couple of questions as well. So here they are... What was your favourite game whilst playing for Wakefield ?
In 2012 we played Hull KR away. I think we had won 4 or 5 in a row and there was a bit of excitement around the club. We were behind late in the game and I remember Paul Sykes kicked a late field goal and we won 31-30. It was a great win.
And secondly, How do you feel the centre position has changed over the years and what defensive qualities do you feel is needed for that position ?
The centre position has changed over the years. I haven’t managed to watch to much super league recently but over here in NRL the centres and wingers are a bit bigger than when I played. They are used a lot more to get the sets started coming out of yardage. Defensively the centre position is one of the toughest on the field in terms of making decisions. You have to make split decisions on whether you are going to jam in on the player sweeping around the back or hold and stay in the line and hope the man inside you can get out to help. Communication with the players inside and outside you is so important. Everyone needs to be on the same page.
Back with me now....68 appearances for Wakefield and 28 tries to go with it. Does any of those 28 stand out as a favourite or best try that you scored for us ?
In 2012, I think it was my first try which was against Salford at home is one that stands out. Personally, it was relief to finally get over the line. We got the win which was really important as we had a really slow start to the year so it was important for morale.
And what about Dean Collis now, career wise after rugby ? What do you do and what keeps you busy ?
I work for myself in construction. It has taken me a few years after retiring to find my feet and work out what I wanted to do.
I am married with 2 kids who are 9 and 6 so they keep me busy. All of my spare time is spent with them.

Let’s finish with a chance to reflect on the players you played with in your career. Give us your dream team 1-13 of players that you played with?
1. Brett Hodgson 2. Blake Ferguson 3. Paul Whatuira 4. Chris Lawrence 5. Ben Cockayne 6. Benji Marshall 7. Scott Prince 8. Anthony Lafranchi 9. Robbie Farah 10. John Skandalis 11. Mark O’Neil 12. Danny Kirmond 13. Paul Gallen
Tim Smith and Paul Aiton were 2 players who I really enjoyed playing alongside also. Tim was magic when he was on as he showed in his time at Wakefield and Paul was one of the toughest players I played with. You always knew what you were going to get from him and he never let you down.

And from that team, who would captain it and why ?
I only played alongside him a few times but Mark O’Neil was a terrific leader. He was a huge part in the Wests Tigers winning the competition in 2005 and was great with us younger players coming through. Everyone had so much respect for him.
And to end with, anything you would like to add to the Wakefield fans out there ?
I really enjoyed my time over in Wakefield. I would like to thank the fans as they were always so respectful and pleasant to be around. We had some tough times while I was there but they always got behind the team. I know the club is going through a difficult period at the moment but I’m sure the fans will continue to support the team and help the club through it.
Cheers !
Academy Player73No
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Re: Ex-Player Interviews : Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:06 am  

Let's start with Steve Snitch the player. Tell us about your junior days and why you played Rugby League ?
I started out at hull boys club when I was 7.... the love for the game was there straight away I think. I just remember all I wanted to do was play. I moved to Embassy Longhill aged 14. At this time I was training every night... Hull schools, Yorkshire schools, Humberside and also club. Playing Saturday and Sunday. Couldn't get enough.
If I remember correctly, you came through the junior ranks and were in the academy with some really good young talent from that era. How was your time at the academy and who did you play with that went on to make a career in the game ?
Yeah that's right. Some of my best days. The excitement of getting signed was unreal... John Harbin gave me a trial after being spotted by John Holroyd. Played 4 trial games then got signed. Even though it was for very little money I wasn't even bothered. A lot of them lads went on to have great careers... Danny Brough... Tom Haughey.... Chris Feather.... Ben Westwood.....Gaz Ellis.....Keith Mason... A fair few went on to play a lot of championship rugby too. The only team that beat us was Leeds in the Academy Grand Final.
Can you remember your 1st team debut at Wakefield? How did you feel when you got the call up and how did the game go ?
Yeah I remember it well it was Leeds away in the challenge cup we were down to the bare bones so I got called up. Felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement.....Came on after about 25 mins and dropped it first touch then got spotted by Tony Carroll all afternoon . My super League debut came towards back end of the year against Saints, we got pumped but I played ok, then I think I played 4 more games that year.
2004 was probably the season that a lot of fans remember most with the playoff win at Hull and then the heart breaking loss at Wigan. What are your memories of that season ?
That was a great bunch of blokes that year I think most of still speak to this day and obviously we had a decent year... Shane got coach of the year too. Bitter disappointment after getting beat to Wigan obviously, but we was pretty much written off by everyone but ourselves.
Can you give us some highs and lows of your time at Trinity ?
The highs were first signing, making my debut, I got picked for the SL under 21s I enjoyed that.... My second stint at Wakey I had a good year on the pitch... unfortunately Adam Watene passed in the off season and then young Leon Walker.... obviously there was a few tough times when we were losing often but when people die it hits different. It never got lower than that.
Was there anyone in particular who you bonded with with during your time at Wakefield ?
Yeah Tom Haughey is my daughters godfather, I see Mark Stubly who played academy with us ....I flew to France a few week back for Olivier Elimas 40th... I see Paul Jackson for a coffee now and then I see Gaz Ellis at charity games we play in. There are blokes who moved back home that I spent a lot of time with.... Chris Feather, Semi Tadulala, I see them when they visit.
Wakefield, Huddersfield, Castleford, Featherstone & Doncaster are among the clubs you played for. I'm assuming you loved West Yorkshire so much that you didn't want to leave the area ?
Sh*t hole mate I'm back in Hull lol !!
Your Wikipedia page said you had a season at Northern Pride. I think it was an interview I did with Semi Tadulala that brought that team name up. Is that where the link up came and how was your time there ?
I signed the same season as Semi but it was Jason Demitriou that got me over... He'd just signed and I had a couple of chats with him then got a contract sent to me. As much as I enjoyed the place I was dogged with injury's I never hit 70 percent tbh, I played like 12 games I think.... Broke my face... Had a virus and lost nearly 2 stone.... F*cked my ankle and missed half of pre season... Couldn't really get any sort of match fitness.... Still pisses me off thinking about it now.
290 appearances and 54 tries in the UK is some achievement. From the 54 tries, do you have a favourite that you scored and why ?
Thankyou. Ok so no one believes that I've scored a full lengther...a proper one, none of this 80 metre sh*te .. it was against Halifax at home my first year, it was very close to the end of the year we hammered them..... Maybe you can help me find that tape? Lol.
And what about Steve Snitch now, career wise after rugby ? What do you do and what keeps you busy ?
I'm a scaffolder now I work on Saltend Chemical plant 15 minutes from my house in East hull. Still play the odd charity game I'm actually thinking of making a comeback I reckon I'll get in the Wakey team this year lol. My 2 daughters keep me busy most of the time they're 13 and 9. Everything is good.
Let’s finish with a chance to reflect on the players you played with in your career. Give us your dream team 1-13 of players that you played with from all the teams that you have been involved with ?
1. Paul Reilly.
2. Alby Torrens
3. Mick De Vere
4. Sid Domic
5. Semi Tadulala
6. Robbie Paul
7. Rangi Chase
8. John Skandalis
9. Brad Drew
10. Ben Westwood
11. Dave Solomona
12. Gaz Ellis
13. Adrian Vowles (c)

And from that team, who would captain it and why ?
Vowlsey. Loves the game more than anyone I've met I think. Not seen anyone throw themselves so hard into another player without any regards for their own safety. He's the bloke you want defending next to you. Great bloke off the pitch too. Very Close second Gaz Ellis. Obviously.
And to end with, anything you would like to add to the Wakefield fans out there that will read this
Yeah I loved my time at Wakefield and I probably support them more now to my native Hull KR as the club gave me so much.... Really loyal set of fans that always turn up let's be honest we've had to sit through a few sh*t seasons over the years haha... hopefully they can stick with the boys and they can pick up a few more wins this year and seasons to come.
Snitchy x
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Re: Ex-Player Interviews : Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:27 am  
Great stuff.
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A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker - Buddha

Re: Ex-Player Interviews : Sun Jun 18, 2023 11:09 am  
RWBA Wakefield Group wrote:
I've started to do some Ex-Player interviews on the Facebook group and I know not everyone does or likes the FB side of things. A shame for some people not to have a read, especially as a lot will have great memories of the players. So for those that aren't in the group, I've copied and pasted them here for you to have a read as well[/i]

These are quite a good read. Credit for finding the players for this.

I'm not speaking as a mod as there isn't really anything wrong with posting it I'm not precious of you advertising your own forum on here (especially as its not mine in any way) but the Heritage boys have been doing podcasts with these players for a long time and post the links on here.
If as you say you are posting as its a shame for people not to see them, it would imo only be fair to post their links to podcasts on RW&B.
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Re: Ex-Player Interviews : Sun Jun 18, 2023 12:09 pm  
PopTart wrote:
These are quite a good read. Credit for finding the players for this.

I'm not speaking as a mod as there isn't really anything wrong with posting it I'm not precious of you advertising your own forum on here (especially as its not mine in any way) but the Heritage boys have been doing podcasts with these players for a long time and post the links on here.
If as you say you are posting as its a shame for people not to see them, it would imo only be fair to post their links to podcasts on RW&B.

I get on fine with Lee from the Heritage side and keep in contact with him (even ask him for a few bits of info on the players before I put my questions to them). No conflict of interest and always happy to support their side of things wherever I can.
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A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker - Buddha

Re: Ex-Player Interviews : Sun Jun 18, 2023 1:31 pm  
Great. Glad you are all happy with it.
Just wanted to check.

All better for Trinity.
Academy Player73No
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Re: Ex-Player Interviews : Mon Jun 19, 2023 8:08 pm  

Let's start with Danny Washbrook the player. Tell us about your junior days and why you played Rugby League ?
I started playing at 7 years old. My friends from further down my street played for a team called Humbe Social Club. They were only a small club, just had 2 teams. Managed to score a try in my first game and loved it from then on. We merged with Skirlaugh at Under 12s and then at u16s I moved to Embassy and played there for 2 years.
You started off at Hull FC. What were your memories of your first stint at Hull ?
The main memory would probably be playing in the GF in 2006. It was my first full season in the team, I played 20 games in total that season, and only 12 months earlier in 2005 I'd played in the u21s GF and here I was playing at Old Trafford only 12 months later.
A move to Wakefield in 2012, how did that move come about and what attracted you to Wakefield ?
Rich Agar had announced he was leaving Hull FC at the end of the 2011 season and Hull had offered me a 2 year contract. But Rich rang me and told me he was taking the Wakefield job and that he'd like me to go. I spoke with an ex team mate of mine, Gareth Raynor and he basically said if you stay at Hull there's every chance you'll be in the same position 2 years down the line, playing 20 games a season, not first choice. Whereas at Wakefield it would be a fresh start and potential to be first choice. And it turned out to be great advice.
Can you remember your debut at Wakefield and how did the game go ?
We played Widnes on their brand new 'ipitch'. They were keen as mustard as they'd just been promoted and they started like a house on fire but we managed to get the win. It was absolutely freezing, and the pitch actually felt frozen!
We made the playoffs in your first year in 2012 before losing to eventual winners Leeds. What were your memories of that season ?
I have lots of memories from that season, we finished the season winning 7 games in a row to make the play offs which was a really good run. But I remember Gary Schofield saying if we made the play offs he'd run around Belle Vue naked. And fair play to him. He turned up on mad Monday in just a dressing gown, took it off, did a lap of the field and then joined us for a beer!
A few years later and you were involved in the Million Pound game against Bradford !! How did that game go for you and relief of survival (again) for Wakefield ?
At the time, I'd already agreed to sign back at Hull, so as much as the result didn't matter in terms of the following year for me, I felt that I owed my team mates, the fans and the club to make sure I gave everything I had to get the win. And I'd like to think I did. And winning it was such a great way to finish my time at Wakefield by securing their survival. Even got a try!
The Super League journey was never far from easy for Wakefield though. Can you give us some other highs and lows of your time at Trinity ?
Some of the highs would be making the play offs in 2012, we played Leeds on a Monday night in a charity kit and beat them, that was another high, a couple of good wins over Cas, one in the first game of 2015, I managed to score the winner.
We had some lows, particularly going on a long losing streak in 2015 I think it was, and a performance against Cas at Magic weekend in Newcastle.

We interviewed Dean Collis recently and he mentioned he has kept in touch with you. Was there anyone in particular who you bonded with with during your time at Wakefield and what about keeping in touch with your ex-teammates now ?
I stay in touch with a fair few of my Wakey team mates, Kirmo, Richie Mathers, Dean Collis, Jacob Miller, Paul Aiton, Scruts, Hally, Motu...probably more too ha!
You left to re-join Hull FC again and had a bit of success there with two Challenge Cup wins and a couple of close runs in the play offs. What can you share with us about those years including the opportunity to play and win at Wembley ?
2016 and 17 were probably the 2 best years of my career. I was playing well, playing regularly and contributing to what was a really good couple of seasons for Hull FC. Winning at Wembley in 2016 was a dream come true, and broke Hulls hoodoo at Wembley. So to go back in 2017 and win it again was unreal.
341 games and 35 tries in your career. Do you have a favourite try you scored for Wakefield and you can also give us your best from Hull as well ?
My favourite try for Wakefield was probably one from a kick against Leeds. Tim Smith looked up and I pointed to the line and his kick was perfect and I somehow managed to beat Ben Jones Bishop to the ball and get my hand on it.
For Hull it was probably the first ever try I scored for the club against Salford in 2006. I side stepped a couple of people from about 40m out and then beat the full back for speed to the line...not sure where that speed went haha
And what about Danny Washbrook now, career wise after rugby ? What do you do and what keeps you busy?
I have 2 sons who are into football so they keep me pretty busy! Ferrying them around all over, particularly my youngest as I help coach that team. Work wise I have a job with a recruitment firm in Hull called Novum Personnel. I've been there since Feb 2020 and I'm really enjoying it.
Let’s finish with a chance to reflect on the players you played with in your career. Give us your dream team 1-13 of players that you played with from all the teams that you have been involved with ?
This is going to be a tough one!!
FB - Jamie Shaul
Wingers - Ben Cockayne, Tuli Talanoa
Centres - Kirk Yeaman, Dean Collis
Stand off - Rich Horne
Scrum Half - Tim Smith
Props - Mark O'Meley, Scott Taylor
Hooker - Danny Houghton
Second Row - Danny Kirmond, Sika Manu
Loose forward - Gareth Ellis

And from that team, who would captain it and why ?
Gaz Ellis would be captain, absolutely unreal player and leader. Brought the best out of everyone else when he played.
And to end with, anything you would like to add to the Wakefield fans out there that will read this ?
Just like to say a massive thanks for all the support over the 4 years I was there and for turning out in good numbers for mine and Kirmos testimonial game in 2019. Times are tough at the moment for the club but things can only get better, keep turning up and keep believing!
Kind Regards

Danny Washbrook

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